Semi-trailer dump truck in Taiwan

2 min readSep 22, 2018


A friend of mine asked me recently if I have witnessed any “sandstone trucks” in Germany. The word “sandstone truck” is literally translated from Chinese, which refers to the so-called dump truck that carries construction gravel. Before I answered my friend, I took quite a long time to figure out the best response. I answered him, “Yes, there are definitely trucks that carry gravel in Germany, but the body type and chassis design are totally different. That is, the typical sandstone truck in Taiwan cannot be seen here.”

If any of you are interested in this, check the Mercedes-Benz Lkw website first and see how they define the types of trucks. Generally, there are long-distance trucks (Fernverkehr), short-distance trucks (Verteilvekehr), construction trucks (Bauverkehr), and other special trucks. Semi-trailers are often used only in long-distance transport, while other types come in single units and full trailers. Additionally, construction trucks are more capable of off-roading due to their frequent use in construction sites or mining sites. Construction trucks often have more than one driving axle as well as one turning axle to conquer bad terrains. I have seen many construction trucks with high ground clearance and two turning axles (two front axles), and probably 4 or 6-wheel drive.

However, due to many reasons, transportation companies in Taiwan tend to use tractors and do not distinguish between different uses. A tractor can be compatible with either a dump trailer, a TEU trailer, or a pallet trailer. This drives the cost down, and since Taiwan is not that big, a 23t tractor is enough to cover all kinds of situations. So a 23t tractor with a dump trailer carrying gravel for construction is very common. We call this “sandstone truck” in Chinese.

The advantages of tractor-trailer units are flexibility and cost concerns. But the biggest problem of tractor-trailer units is that they pose threats to others in the urban areas, especially when turning the corner. Not to mention trucks are often illegally overloaded. This is why passenger car drivers and cyclists hate semi-trailers.



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